Friday, April 26, 2013

Where Has April Gone?! Half Marathon Recap from MARCH!

Why is it that spring is always the busiest season!?!

I cannot believe it's already the end of April. Sheesh!

I just realized I never posted about my second half marathon!!!

On March 30, we ran the RunTheBluegrass half marathon again for the second year in a row. Here is my recap from last year, my FIRST half marathon!!! 

This race continues to get better and better as the years go on! We did the race the first year when it was at the Kentucky Horse Park, but opted for the 5K as we were not 13.1 miles ready yet :) 

The course is now at Keeneland and it was the same hilly, sharp curves and hills at mile 9 course that I remembered last year! I didn't train on the course like I did last year, but I don't regret it. I almost think training on the course made me dread the hills because I knew exactly when they were coming!

Ben and I before the race. It was a beautiful morning and we couldn't have asked for better running weather!! Cold morning at the start line and cool during the race!

Ben and I both beat our time from last year, and that was our only goal!! I finished in 2:28:47 and Ben finished in 2:07:06. 

We're already talking about doing another half in the fall. I would love to be able to do RunTheBluegrass every year. I love supporting a local race! We even recruited a few friends....

I really do love and enjoy running. I just wish I had more time to run during the week when I'm not training for a race. Let's be honest, I have not been very good about waking up when my alarm clock goes off at 5am to hit the treadmill or run outside. 

 I'm so exhausted with work and grad school and everything else, the extra 30-45 minutes of sleep sound so much better. And if I don't run in the morning, it seems impossible to get a run in at night because there are a bazillion other things going on. If only I could schedule a certain running time and keep it... 

 We finally have a "free" weekend with minimal commitments so I will have a chance to run errands, do homework, catch up on laundry and go for a run. 

Hoping I can drag this little guy with me on all of the above :)

Have a great weekend!

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